Trusted business
The Company expects all activities to reflect its core values: Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect and Excellence (ICARE).
Kenmare’s Board of Directors is committed to a strong sustainability performance across the Company’s activities. Where possible, Kenmare aims to exceed both regulatory obligations and stakeholder expectations. To achieve this ambition, the Board uses its skills, controls and policies to manage the Company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities.
Material topics:
- Business transparency
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Supply chain
- Compliance and audit
2023 highlights included:
- $79 million spent with Mozambican suppliers in 2023
- $33.5 million paid as wages to Mozambican employees in 2023
- 100% of on-site suppliers were audited against Kenmare’s Supplier Code of Conduct and 84% of them were compliant (2022: 79%)
- 290 members of the public security forces received training on Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
Read more about our commitment to being a trusted business, including our targets for 2024.