
Kenmare is committed to operating in a sustainable and responsible manner. The Company takes a long-term strategic approach to the conduct of its business, with corporate responsibility as a key priority.

Read Kenmare's Sustainability Report 2023 to find out more about our strategy, policies and management approach to our long-standing commitment to sustainability.

Kenmare’s Sustainability Fact Book outlines our key non-financial performance information for 2023. It accompanies our 2023 Annual Report and Sustainability Report.

Kenmare's 2021 Climate Strategy Report sets out more information on our Climate Strategy in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Safe and engaged workforce

The safety and wellbeing of Kenmare's employees is the Company's top priority.

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Thriving communities

Kenmare understands that effective relationships with its host communities are critical to its licence to operate.

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A healthy natural environment

Kenmare takes an environmentally responsible approach to managing the natural resources that are part of the mining process.

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Trusted business

The Company expects all activities to reflect its core values: Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect and Excellence (ICARE).

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