Tailings management
Tailings are residues created as part of mining and processing operations.
Kenmare’s operations currently contain most of the tailings in the mining void. These containment areas are known as paddocks and drying cells and they store material that does not contain valuable heavy minerals. Kenmare’s operations currently do not require the construction of semi-permanent raised containment embankments, except in the case of valley crossings.
Kenmare takes a risk-based approach to the management of paddocks and drying cells. The tailings strategies aim to safely contain the tailings under all circumstances and take into account the topography of the site, rainfall, seismic activity, mineral characteristics and proximity to people. This complies with the Mozambican National Regulation for Tailings Dams.
Kenmare uses a multi-layered approach to ensuring the structural integrity of the tailings facilities and safeguarding the surrounding environment. This includes daily, monthly and six-monthly inspections, including inspection of berms and paddock safety, mine face safety and tailings management. These checks are conducted by both internal geotechnical specialists and by internationally reputable geotechnical experts.
Kenmare’s tailings storage facilities (TSFs) are regulated, permitted, and comply with local laws and licences. In 2023, Kenmare continued its work to align its tailings facilities and management process with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), which promotes the principles of sustainable and responsible management of tailings storage facilities, across the mining industry.
Read more about Kenmare’s approach to tailings management.
Global database of Tailings Storage Facilities
The Church of England Pensions Board investments group has called on publicly listed extractives companies to provide information for a tailings database, to increase transparency on TSFs following the tailings dam disasters in Brazil. Please view Kenmare’s Sustainability Fact Book and click on the tab called 'Tailings' to view our disclosure in line with the database’s requirements.