Major shareholders

Shareholder profile

Based on the register as at 25 March 2024

Following the migration from CREST to Euroclear that was completed in March 2021, all uncertificated shareholdings, which tend to be how institutional investors hold their shares, are shown in the tables below as attributable to Euroclear Nominees Limited. Further details of the Euroclear migration are provided in the Migration Circular, dated 23 December 2020.

Size of holdings

No. of shareholders No. of shares held
1–1,000 610 105,711
1,001–5,000 56 107,570
5,001–25,000 15 161,017
25,001–100,000 2 108,434
Over 100,000 1 88,745,429
Total 684 89,228,161

Geographic distribution of holdings

As at 25 March 2024, the Company has been notified of the following shareholdings by geography of issued ordinary shares of the Company:

No. of shareholders No. of shares held
Republic of Ireland 200 134,118
Northern Ireland and Great Britain 365 89,068,005
Other 119 26,038
Total 684 89,228,161

Substantial interests

As at 27 March 2024, the Company had received notification of the interests outlined in the table below in its ordinary share capital, equal to, or in excess of, 3%:

No. ordinary shares

% of issued share capital

African Acquisition Sarl 15,257,583 17.1%
M&G plc 1 12,788,737 14.3%
FIL Ltd 6,314,687 7.1%
JO Hambro Capital Management Ltd 5,418,953
Aberforth Partners LLP 1 4,955,440
Premier Miton Group Plc 4,412,311
Aegis Financial Corporation 3,578,594
Pageant Investments Ltd 2,926,000

1 Share figures provided directly by institution as its most recent disclosure did not reflect the number of shares held following completion of the share buy-back